Precautions for correct use of capsules

Capsule drugs can be seen everywhere in daily life. Since certain drugs have a great stimulating effect on the digestive system and respiratory system of the human body, they need to be wrapped in capsules in order to be taken to form capsule drugs. Be very careful when taking capsules, but most people currently do not have a correct understanding of how to take capsules.
The correct way to take capsule medicine is to take a glass of moderate temperature water, about 100 to 200 ml. The patient adopts a standing or chest position. First drink a sip of water to moisturize the throat and esophagus. Then put the capsule in your mouth and drink another sip of water. Swallow the capsule with water. Don't lower or raise your head excessively. Then drink the remaining water to make sure the capsule is flushed into the stomach.
In addition, the correct use of capsules should also pay attention to the following points:
1. Purchase products from formal channels. Can greatly reduce the occurrence of "poison capsule" incidents.
2. It is inappropriate to disassemble the capsule. The capsule preparation has the characteristics of improving the stability of the drug, protecting the digestive tract and respiratory tract from direct stimulation of the drug, and targeting sustained release. Once the capsule shell is peeled off, the effect of the drug may be weakened and toxic side effects may increase.
3. It is not advisable to take the capsules with hot water. Gelatin is a widely used ingredient in capsule shells. It slowly absorbs water to soften in cold water, and quickly melts and dissolves in hot water. If taken with hot water, the capsule shell is easily damaged, and the medicine inside will be released early, which will affect the efficacy and safety of the medicine. Therefore, it is more appropriate to administer cold water (but not too cold) or warm water.
4. Do not swallow the capsule directly. Dry swallowing of the capsule will cause the capsule to fail to enter the stomach quickly and may attach to the esophagus, causing damage to the esophagus after the local drug is released, causing mucosal damage and even ulcers.