Vegetable Capsules vs Gelatin Capsules

1. What is a vegetable capsule
According to the different raw materials, capsules are divided into vegetable capsules and gelatin capsules. The main component of gelatin capsule is medicinal gelatin, which is processed from collagen in animal skin and bone as the main raw material. The raw materials of vegetable capsules are plant sources, such as HPMC, pullulan and starch. There are certain differences between the two in terms of raw materials, storage environment, and production processes.
Second, the difference and advantages of vegetable capsules and gelatin capsules
1. The sources of raw materials are different. The raw material of gelatin capsules is mainly collagen from animal skin and bones. Because it is of animal origin, there will be many potential risks and uncertain factors, such as mad cow disease. The raw materials of vegetable capsules are plant sources, and hypromellose ( HPMC) hollow capsules as an example, the main source is cotton pulp or wood pulp, which is made by etherification. Cellulose is a very abundant natural polymer in nature. Because it is a plant source, many risks are eliminated. Both are wood pulp cellulose, and there are no genetically modified and pesticide residues compared to cotton pulp cellulose.
2. The storage environment is different. Studies have shown that vegetable capsules are not easily brittle in a low temperature and low humidity environment, and are relatively stable and less prone to softening and deformation in a high temperature and high humidity environment. Relatively extreme environments have little effect on the machine. Gelatin capsules are prone to softening and sticking in a high temperature and high humidity environment. In a low temperature and low humidity environment, the water in the capsule shell is very easy to lose, and it is very prone to brittleness. In summary, gelatin capsules have stricter requirements on the temperature and humidity of the environment than vegetable capsules.
3. The production process is different, and the characteristics are also different. Vegetable capsules have a natural concept, do not contain protein ingredients, and have a certain bacteriostatic effect. There is no need to add preservatives during the production process, nor does it require ethylene oxide sterilization. The main component of gelatin capsules is collagen, which is easy to breed bacteria and microorganisms. Some manufacturers also need to use ethylene oxide to sterilize, resulting in a small amount of gas residue after receiving the capsule shell. Compared with gelatin capsules, vegetable capsules have the advantages of wider adaptability, high stability, and no cross-linking reaction, and after disintegration in the human body, there are no nutrients needed by the human body, so they will be completely excluded from the body. It is a healthy capsule, completely preventing the occurrence of poisonous capsule incidents.